Abhishek Set consists of Trishul, Plate, Tripot, Small jaldhari, Rudraksh Mala, Rudraksh Bracelet, and Original Shivling. With this set you can please Lord Shiva by worshiping him. This set can be used daily.
According to puran, It is believed that due to the drinking of Halahala poison by Lord Shiva, which emerged out of the churning of the ocean, water/milk is poured on the Shivling as a symbol to calm and relieve His body.
Shivling: 2.25 inches (H) x 2.25 inches (W) x 1.7 inches (L)
Height Jaldhari: 2.5 inches x 2.5 inches (diameter) approx
Total Heigh of Set: 7 inches approx
Plate: 8 inches (diameter) approx
Trishul: 5.5 inches
Rudraksha Mala: 108+1 beads
Rudraksha Bracelet: 3.5 inches
Total Weight: 1.4 kgs approx