Three Face Kapoor Aarti Diya in Nagraj (Nageshwar or King of Snake) Design made of thick brass with beautiful eye-catcher anti finished design. It have stand for put on surface. This Special handle for better grip. This Aarti Diya will help to hold it, even when it is hot. Both round and long cotton wicks can be used with this lamp also. The lighting of Diya or lamp at home is considered highly auspicious as it brings prosperity and good health. The daily evening lamp lit at home also gives us an opportunity to ponder over one's omissions and commissions in a day.
Aarti is an integral part of every puja and yagna. Aarti is performed using a Kapur lamp and rotating it in clockwise direction infront of the deity. After the Aarti is concluded, all the devotees take the Aarti on them as a sign on blessing.
Dimensions: 1 inch (H) x 3.75 inches (W) x 10 inches (L) (2.5 x 9.5 x 25.5 cm) approx
Weight: 570 grams approx
Quantity: 1