Amethyst works like Sapphire but is a cheaper stone than Sapphire. Amethyst gemstone is also call Jamunia, Katela, Ketela stone. Amethyst is associated with the planet Saturn. Jamuniya is a violet colored, semi-precious gemstone of the Quartz mineral family. As an astrological substitute of Blue Sapphire, it is worn to overcome financial stress, professional instability and unhealthy addictions.
Who Should Wear Amethyst (Jamuniya)?
Metal: Silver and Gold.
Finger: The Middle finger of the working hand.
Day & Time: Saturday
Mantra & Chanting Times: Om Sham Shanicharaya Namah , ऊँ शं शनैश्चराय नमः। (108 times)
Color: Violet
Weight: 7.85 carats (1.57 gms)
Shape: Oval
Specific Gravity: 2.65
Refractive Index: 1.540 - 1.550
Size: 14x11x7.5 mm
Indian Trade Name: Amethyst (Jamuniya)
Free Lab certificate
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Note: See the design of the ring in the photo and write the code in the comments while checking out whichever ring you like.
Amethyst (Jamuniya) Gemstone - 7.85 carats
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